You are invited to join Mrs. Breese and Mrs. Vignola in a year-long reading adventure. This is an opportunity for students to explore the magic of reading for enjoyment. The following procedure will be followed:
- Mrs. Breese and Mrs. Vignola will offer three different Gateway Award nominee books during the first through fourth quarters. (Gateway Award nominees are books of all genres selected by librarians as exceptional reading material for students in grades 9-11.)
- Students must have paid the $5 membership dues. You can join any time throughout the year. Fees are used to pay for snacks at each meeting.
- The student will attend a before or after school discussion of the selection of their chosen book. The discussions usually last approximately thirty to forty minutes.
- Extra credit of up to 20 points per meeting will be awarded in a student’s English class. The requirements for the bonus points are explained below.
- The student is responsible for checking out the book of choice for each quarter he/she participates. There are usually only 10 copies of each book available so please make sure to check out the book well in advance and return it as soon as possible for the next person to read.
- Students may attend three book club meetings per semester. Mrs. Breese will keep track of attendance.
Please contact Mrs. Breese or Mrs. Vignola if you have any questions.